Vodka vs. tequila: Which has fewer calories?

The main difference between vodka and tequila? Taste! But their calorie count is close. Discover which drink fits your lifestyle and waistline best.
shots of vodka and tequila on a bright background

Vodka and tequila might be neck-and-neck in the calorie race, but that’s where their similarities stop in their tracks. 

These two party staples couldn’t be more different when it comes to taste, origins, and even how they impact your body. 

Vodka is the neutral, no-nonsense spirit, perfect for mixing into just about anything. Tequila, on the other hand, packs a bold punch of flavor that doesn’t need much dressing up. 

What is vodka?

Vodka is a clear, distilled spirit that originated in Eastern Europe. 

Traditionally made from fermented grains or potatoes, vodka is known for being neutral in flavor, making it a versatile choice in mixed drinks. But here’s the important part: a standard one-ounce shot of 80-proof vodka contains around 64 calories. 

However, for comparison, we’ll focus on the more common 1.5-ounce shot of vodka, which brings the tally to about 96 calories.

How many calories are in a shot of vodka?

When it comes to alcoholic drinks, vodka might just be the sneaky, low-calorie hero. 

Unlike your friendly neighborhood beer—loaded with over 100 calories per serving—vodka keeps things relatively slim. 

It’s naturally low in calories, and with no added sugar, it’s easy to fit into a lower-calorie lifestyle. 

Pair it with sugary mixers like fruit juice or soda, and your vodka drink quickly turns into a calorie-laden bomb.

How to use vodka

Vodka shines brightest in cocktails. 

Whether it’s a vodka soda (just 96 calories when mixed with club soda) or a splash of lime juice, it’s a go-to choice for many cocktail lovers. 

Vodka’s neutrality lets it blend easily with other ingredients, making it a favorite for those looking to enjoy a drink without overpowering their taste buds—or their waistline.

Potential benefits

Believe it or not, vodka has been linked to better cardiovascular health and can help maintain healthy blood sugar levels. 

Risks and drawbacks

Of course, it’s not all good news. 

Overdo it with vodka—or any alcohol—and you’ll be facing the usual suspects: alcohol addiction, liver damage, and potential weight gain (especially if you’re pairing it with sugary mixers).

What is tequila?

Made from the blue agave plant, tequila is a true product of Mexico and has a rich history. A 1.5-ounce shot of 80-proof tequila comes in at 97 calories—slightly more than vodka, but there’s a twist!

How tequila compares to vodka

At first glance, tequila’s 97 calories might seem like a little more than you’d like to deal with, but here’s the kicker: high-quality, 100% agave tequila has a natural sweetness, which can curb the need for sugary mixers. 

Plus, tequila’s distinctive flavor means you can easily enjoy it neat, with just a squeeze of lime juice and soda water. 

Vodka, on the other hand, often requires heavier mixers to make it more exciting—leading to extra, hidden calories.


Tequila isn’t just for margaritas (though we love those too). 

It’s perfect for a light, refreshing cocktail like a tequila soda with lime. Keeping it simple and avoiding sugary add-ins helps keep those calories in check while still giving you a flavorful experience.

Potential benefits

Some research suggests that 100% agave tequila might offer surprising health benefits, including aiding digestion and even helping to lower blood sugar levels. 

Tequila’s made from agave, which contains a natural sugar called inulin—great for promoting gut health. Plus, tequila is naturally gluten-free, making it a safer choice for those with gluten sensitivities.

When compared to vodka, 100% agave tequila has fewer congeners—the compounds that often lead to nasty hangovers. 

So if you’re looking to wake up the next day feeling a little more human, tequila might just give you a slight edge—if you’re steering clear of those sugary margaritas.

Vodka vs. tequila: the calorie face-off

When it comes to calories, vodka and tequila are more alike than different. Both pack around 96 to 97 calories per 1.5-ounce shot, depending on the proof. 

The real game-changer is what you mix them with. 

A vodka tonic or a sugary margarita can quickly turn a simple shot into a calorie-packed beverage. But if you keep things basic—think club soda and a lime wedge—you can keep your drink around 100 calories or less.

Both drinks also come with their own unique health considerations. 

Tequila can offer potential benefits like improved digestion and even better blood sugar control, while vodka stays slim and sleek with its neutral flavor, allowing for more versatility in cocktails.

How to decide which is best for you

If you’re looking for the lowest calorie count, vodka is technically your girl—but only by a hair. 

On the other hand, tequila offers a more robust flavor, which means you’re less likely to drown it in calorie-heavy mixers. It’s also kinder to your gut and blood sugar levels, and may even leave you with a milder hangover. 

So whether you’re team vodka or team tequila, just remember to drink responsibly and keep those mixers light.