Reclined Twist

The Reclined Twist is a gentle yoga pose that promotes spinal flexibility, aids digestion, and relieves tension.
woman demonstrating the reclined twist yoga pose

The Reclined Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana) might seem like a laid-back, end-of-class stretch, but don’t be deceived by its relaxed appearance—this pose is a powerhouse of benefits.

It’s all about that sweet blend of spinal rotation and a gentle recline, making it a favorite among yogis looking to unwind and rejuvenate.

Pose details


Supta Matsyendrasana





How to do the Reclined Twist pose

Before moving into Reclined Twist, it’s beneficial to warm up with poses that gently stretch the spine and hips, such as Cat-Cow Pose, Child’s Pose, and Supine Bound Angle Pose.

Once you’re ready, follow these steps:

  • Begin by lying on your back. Extend your legs straight out and relax your arms by your sides. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself.
  • Bend your right knee and draw it towards your chest. Interlace your fingers around your shin to gently hug your knee in closer, feeling a stretch in your hip and lower back.
  • Extend your right arm out to the side at shoulder height, palm facing up. This will help stabilize your upper body during the twist.
  • Use your left hand to guide your right knee across your body towards the left side. Allow your knee to hover above the floor or rest it on a prop like a block or blanket if it doesn’t comfortably reach the ground.
  • Turn your head to the right, looking over your extended arm. This will enhance the twist in your spine. Keep both shoulders grounded as much as possible.
  • Hold the pose for five to ten breaths, allowing your body to relax deeper into the twist with each exhale. Feel the gentle stretch along your spine and the release in your lower back.
  • To come out of the pose, slowly guide your right knee back to the center and extend your leg back to the floor. Take a moment to notice the difference between the two sides of your body.
  • Repeat the same steps on the other side: bend your left knee, draw it towards your chest, extend your left arm out, and guide your knee across your body with your right hand. Hold for the same amount of time.
  • Once you’ve completed both sides, return to lying flat on your back. Take a few deep breaths to observe the effects of the twist on your body.
  • When ready, gently roll to one side and use your hands to help you come up to a seated position.


If Reclined Twist feels a bit too intense, don’t worry—there are plenty of ways to modify it while still getting the benefits:

  • Use a bolster or pillow: Place a bolster or pillow under your bent knee for support. This can help reduce the intensity of the twist and make the pose more comfortable, especially if you have tight hips or lower back issues.
  • Keep the bottom leg bent: Instead of extending the bottom leg straight, keep it bent with the foot flat on the floor. This modification can help stabilize your pelvis and lower back, making the twist gentler.
  • Adjust the arm position: If extending your arms out to the sides feels too intense on your shoulders, try bending your elbows or placing your hands on your ribcage. This can help you maintain the twist without straining your upper body.
  • Use a strap: If your shoulders or chest feel tight, hold a yoga strap between your hands to keep your arms engaged without overextending. This can help you maintain proper alignment and deepen the twist gradually.
  • Focus on your breath: Sometimes, the intensity of a twist can be alleviated by simply focusing on deep, mindful breathing. Inhale to lengthen your spine, and exhale to gently deepen the twist. This can help you relax into the pose and get the most out of it without pushing too hard.

Safety tips

  • Warm up properly with gentle stretches like Cat-Cow or Child’s Pose to prepare your spine.
  • Avoid forcing the twist. Move slowly and listen to your body, stopping if you feel any sharp pain.
  • Keep your shoulders grounded. Ensure both shoulders stay in contact with the mat to prevent overstretching.
  • Breathe deeply throughout the pose, and use your breath to deepen the twist gradually.
  • Exit the pose slowly. Roll back to center gently to avoid straining your back or abdominal muscles.

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