Extended Side Angle

The Extended Side Angle is an intermediate yoga pose that strengthens legs, stretches the torso, and improves balance.
women in white yoga outfit demonstrating the extended side angle yoga pose

The Extended Side Angle (Utthita Parsvakonasana) might seem like just another lunge, but don’t be deceived—this pose is a powerhouse of strength and stretch.

It’s all about that dynamic blend of deep leg engagement and a sweeping side stretch, making it a staple in yoga sequences for practitioners of all levels.

Pose details


Utthita Parsvakonasana





How to do the Extended Side Angle pose

Before diving into Extended Side Angle Pose, it’s beneficial to warm up with poses that open the hips, stretch the sides of the body, and engage the legs, such as Warrior II, Triangle Pose, and Side Stretches. Once you’re ready, follow these steps:

Begin in Warrior II Pose. Stand with your feet wide apart, about 3-4 feet. Turn your right foot out 90 degrees and your left foot slightly in. Bend your right knee so it’s directly over your right ankle, and extend your arms parallel to the floor, palms facing down.

Inhale deeply and, as you exhale, lower your right forearm to your right thigh. Ensure your right knee remains bent and aligned over your ankle. Extend your left arm overhead, reaching toward the ceiling, with your palm facing down.

Rotate your torso slightly upward, opening your chest. Keep your left leg strong and engaged, pressing firmly into the outer edge of your left foot.

If you feel stable and want a deeper stretch, lower your right hand to the floor inside or outside your right foot. Alternatively, you can place your hand on a block for support. Keep your left arm extended overhead, creating a long line from your left heel to your left fingertips.

Turn your head to gaze up at your left hand, if comfortable. Otherwise, keep your neck in a neutral position, looking straight ahead or down at the floor.

Hold the pose for five to ten breaths, maintaining steady and deep breathing. Focus on lengthening both sides of your body and keeping your chest open.

To release, inhale and press firmly into your feet to lift your torso back up to Warrior II. Straighten your right leg and return to a standing position. Repeat the pose on the other side.

By following these steps, you can safely and effectively practice Extended Side Angle Pose, enhancing your strength, flexibility, and balance.


If Extended Side Angle feels a bit too challenging, don’t worry—there are plenty of ways to modify it while still getting the benefits:

Use a block: Place a block under your bottom hand to bring the floor closer to you. This can help you maintain proper alignment and prevent you from collapsing into the pose.

Rest your forearm on your thigh: Instead of reaching your bottom hand to the floor, rest your forearm on your bent thigh. This modification can help you keep your chest open and your spine long without straining.

Shorten your stance: Bring your feet a bit closer together to reduce the intensity of the stretch. This can make it easier to balance and maintain proper form.

Use a wall for support: Stand with your back against a wall and perform the pose. The wall can provide extra stability and help you focus on alignment.

Focus on alignment: Instead of reaching for the floor, concentrate on keeping your chest open and your spine long. You can keep your bottom hand on your hip or extend it forward to maintain balance.

Remember, the goal is to find a version of the pose that works for your body while still reaping the benefits. Happy practicing!

Safety tips

Warm up properly with poses like Warrior II or Triangle Pose to prepare your body.

Avoid collapsing your chest. Keep your chest open and lifted to maintain proper alignment.

Keep your front knee aligned over your ankle. This helps protect your knee joint and ensures stability.

Engage your core muscles. This will support your spine and help you maintain balance.

Breathe deeply throughout the pose, and exit slowly to avoid dizziness or discomfort.

Similar yoga poses

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Lotus Pose (Padmasana)

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Easy Pose (Sukhasana)

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