
The Triangle Pose is a foundational yoga posture that stretches the legs and hips, strengthens the core, and improves balance.
women in red yoga outfit demonstrating the triangle pose

The Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) might seem like a straightforward stretch, but don’t be deceived by its simplicity—this pose is a powerhouse of benefits.

It’s all about that perfect blend of balance, strength, and flexibility, making it a staple in yoga practices around the globe.

Pose details






Beginner, Intermediate

How to do the Triangle pose

Before diving into Triangle Pose, it’s a good idea to warm up with poses that lengthen the sides of your body and open your hips, such as Extended Side Angle Pose, Warrior II, and Cat-Cow stretches.

Once you’re ready, follow these steps:

  1. Start in a standing position at the top of your mat. Step your feet wide apart, about 3 to 4 feet, depending on your height and flexibility. Turn your right foot out 90 degrees so your toes point to the top of the mat, and angle your left foot slightly inward.
  2. Raise your arms parallel to the floor, palms facing down. Ensure your shoulders are relaxed and your arms are strong, reaching actively through your fingertips.
  3. Inhale deeply and, as you exhale, extend your torso to the right, reaching out over your right leg. Keep both sides of your waist long and your hips facing forward.
  4. Place your right hand down on your shin, ankle, or the floor outside your right foot, depending on your flexibility. Alternatively, you can use a yoga block for support. Extend your left arm straight up toward the ceiling, in line with your shoulders. Your gaze can be directed toward your left hand, or you can keep your neck neutral by looking straight ahead.
  5. Engage your thighs and press firmly into both feet. Rotate your torso slightly upward, opening your chest. Keep your body in one plane, as if you’re between two panes of glass.
  6. Hold the pose for five to ten breaths, or as long as comfortable. Focus on maintaining length in your spine and openness in your chest.
  7. To come out of the pose, inhale and lift your torso back to standing, keeping your arms extended. Turn your feet to face forward and then repeat the pose on the other side.


If Triangle Pose feels a bit too challenging, don’t worry—there are plenty of ways to modify it while still getting the benefits:

  • Use a block: Place a block on the floor next to your front foot. Rest your bottom hand on the block to bring the floor closer to you. This can help you maintain proper alignment and prevent overreaching.
  • Shorten your stance: Bring your feet a little closer together. This can make it easier to balance and reduce the intensity of the stretch in your hamstrings and inner thighs.
  • Bend your front knee slightly: If you’re feeling tight in your hamstrings or lower back, a slight bend in the front knee can relieve some of the tension and make the pose more accessible.
  • Rest your top hand on your hip: Instead of extending your top arm straight up, place your hand on your hip. This can help you focus on opening your chest and maintaining balance without straining your shoulder.
  • Use a wall for support: Practice Triangle Pose with your back against a wall. This can help you align your body properly and provide extra support, making it easier to find stability in the pose.

Safety tips

  • Warm up properly with poses like Warrior II or Extended Side Angle to prepare your body for the stretch.
  • Avoid locking your knees. Keep a slight bend to protect your joints and maintain stability.
  • Keep your chest open. Engage your core and rotate your torso gently to avoid straining your back.
  • Breathe deeply throughout the pose, and exit slowly to maintain balance and prevent dizziness.

Similar yoga poses

Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

Similar in name and structure, this pose also strengthens the legs and opens the hips, but with a wider stance and arms extended parallel to the ground.

High Lunge (Alanasana)

This pose shares the same leg positioning as Warrior I but with the back heel lifted. It also stretches the hip flexors and strengthens the legs.

Crescent Pose (Anjaneyasana)

A variation of the High Lunge, this pose involves a deeper stretch in the hip flexors and a more pronounced backbend, enhancing flexibility and balance.

Reverse Warrior (Viparita Virabhadrasana)

A variation of Warrior II, this pose involves a side bend that stretches the torso and opens the chest, while still engaging the legs and core.

Pyramid Pose (Parsvottanasana)

Though more focused on forward bending, this pose shares the same leg alignment as Warrior I, promoting balance and flexibility in the legs and hips. 

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